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Destiny 2 upcoming changes to Crucible show faster “time to kill”

The Crucible in Destiny 2 is essentially a player vs player gamemode for the game. As it is the only gamemode in which players can fight each other, Bungie has been working to make the Crucible as balanced as possible. When looking through the gameplay footage of the upcoming Breakthrough mode, fans noticed that the “time to kill” value in PvP has been lowered.

The Forsaken expansion for Destiny 2 launches on September 4. Reddit user tripleWRECK noticed the change and shared his findings via a post on the subreddit. He analyzed that the overall damage of the 600 rpm rifles saw an increase in their damage per crit value, leading to a lowered TTK (time to kill). “Giving us a better weapon system is terrific, but if primary TTK does not noticeably decrease then special weapons will indeed become dominant and nobody wants a repeat of the endless cycle of nerfs we saw in year 2 and year 3,” tripleWRECK stated, “Balancing around the classic 3-tap hand cannon is the key to returning to a proven gameplay flow.”

On July 26, developer Bungie shared their weekly log and confirmed the time to kill changes.

“If you’re a sharp-eyed PvP enthusiast, you may have noticed from some Forsaken coverage that the weapons are doing a bit more damage than they do in the current version of Destiny 2. If you’re a seasoned Destiny 2 player, you may then extrapolate the possibility of a global lethality pass on weapons and abilities that may or may not be in the pipe to go live when Forsaken is released. I’m here to quickly confirm that, along with weapon slots and ammo availability, we have globally adjusted the “time to kill” in the Crucible.”

After learning about these changes, fans believe that the Crucible is on the right path and will likely become a great gamemode. “If Bungie can nail a quicker TTK, implement a healthy ammo economy that keeps players on an even playing field, and lower ability cooldowns then I believe D2 Crucible has a very bright future,” says the Reddit post.

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