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Woah! This folding gun looks just like a smartphone!

A handgun that looks like a smartphone is being produced in the United States of America. Gun laws in America are under tough scrutiny for the last few years. Various incidents have prompted tougher checks on weaponry held in households. However, now it seems like all that effort will be fruitless as a gun is being produced in America that looks like a smartphone.

The gun is being produced by Minnesota-based Ideal Conceal. The firm has received over 12,000 pre-orders from customers around the country. The gun’s release was originally planned for 2016 but technical issues delayed the production procedure and thereby pushed the release date to a later stage.

The gun is a derringer, i.e. a small handgun that is neither a revolver nor a semi-automatic pistol. The gun folds within itself to give the impression that the gun is a smartphone. When the gun unfolds, the gun’s grip opens up, which can be used to fire two rounds of .380 ammunition, that too without “cocking” the gun.

The company is also developing a special holster that can be used to carry additional rounds of ammunition. This development comes despite the CEO of the company admitting that there is not much need for it. He said, “Most studies show that by the time two shots have been fired somebody’s down or running”.

Multiple activists have spoken out against the gun as it can be misused by individuals, leading to a higher number of unfortunate incidents. Furthermore, referring to the increasing amount of African-American police shootings cases, activists said that the cases of Police officials targetting African-American people with simple smartphones might increase due to the concealable gun.

Regulatory authorities across the ocean have been on alert ever since the release of the gun as well. A representative of the Belgian police said, “To the eye, nothing can distinguish it from a mobile telephone. Most people possess a smartphone, meaning that it can pass completely overlooked.”

The gun is dubbed an “iPhone Gun”, even though it’s price of $500 is a fraction of the price of Apple’s iPhone X. So, what would you buy, an iPhone gun or an actual iPhone?

The post Woah! This folding gun looks just like a smartphone! appeared first on TechJuice.

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