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Google, Apple, and 13 other tech giants drop college degree requirements for job applicants

Google HQ Bangkok

Google, Apple, IBM, Ernst & Young and several other technology and service giants, in a monumental move, have dropped the requirements for a college degree from their job applicants. This, in no way, means that the college degree holders are at a disadvantage. It simply means that now people without a college degree will be able to get the attention of recruiters given they have relevant experience for the job.

We are living in a time when skills of the person quickly change with time. For example, people with mechanical engineering degrees are self-learning how to code and are skilled enough to work with a Computer Science graduate. In such a scenario, the lack of a Computer Programming degree shouldn’t get in the way of job seekers at any organization.

While some of you might find it surprising that the college degree requirement is dropped. Actually surprising is the fact that still organizations rely on a college degree to recruit the talent.

Google, Apple, IBM, Ernst & Young etc are big organizations with thousands of employees. In order to continue beating the competition and have an advantage over skills and human-talent, these organizations can’t miss out the population which has acquired the skills through the modern ways of learning — online courses, self-learning — rather than spending 4 years at college.

It is expected that this big decision will trickle down in other organizations and they will also follow the lead!

The post Google, Apple, and 13 other tech giants drop college degree requirements for job applicants appeared first on TechJuice.

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