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Quick Start for Amazon Aurora launched by AWS AppSync

AWS AppSync has today launched a new quick-start feature which walks the user through connecting AppSync to their Amazon Aurora database for creating a new blog application. AWS AppSync is basically a server-less backend service for mobile and web applications which support real-time synchronization of data and offline capabilities. AppSync tends to support multiple options of data storage, including Amazon ElasticSearch Service, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Lambda, and HTTP data sources.

The new option for quick start uses CloudFormation by AWS for creating an Amazon Aurora MySQL database in a newly created VPC in AWS account. This quick-start also provides AppSync API including data source, schema, and other such resolvers, used as application backend, the Cognito user pool used for the purpose of authorization and resolver Lambda function which connects AppSync to database. The user can conveniently customize CloudFormation template for connecting to existing Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) databases and customization of Lambda functions and GraphQL schema for reflecting application logic.

Users can get started by employing the AppSync AWS management console, or through accessing github repository from here.

The post Quick Start for Amazon Aurora launched by AWS AppSync appeared first on Appuals.com.

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